

Friday 24 May 2013

25 Facts About Me!

Hi everyone!

I feel like doing a 'get to know me' kinda post today so, 25 facts it is!

1. I like baking

2. I love crafty thing, i just don't always have time for them

3. I'm a cat person, not a dog person but i like puppies

4. i live with my mum, dad, sister and grandparents

5. I'm incredibly lazy

6. Anything Apple i want and must have! (I'm saving up for a Macbook Pro)

7. Winter is my favourite season, I love wearing jumpers and pyjamas all day and snuggling up in bed

8. My favourite colours are green and purple

9. I'm a bit afraid of heights

10. I like things that have a bit of a vintage feel

11. i suffer from anxiety

12. I'm excited easily depending on what it is

13. i hate being late to things

14. i get worried about almost anything

15. i really like eating chocolate and hot chips (but not together)

16. My age!

17. I'm a bit obsessed with people who have beauty You Tube channels or blogs

18. i love most things hair and make-up

19. I like wearing make-up I just don't wear it on a regular basis because of school

20. i don't have any 'luxury' make-up things, mainly because i can't afford them

21. I'm not a morning person, i hate getting up, if i could lie in bed all day i would

22. My family means everything to me

23. i feel comfortable in a familiar environment than an unfamiliar one

24. i like rain, i just don't like being anywhere else but at home when it's raining

25. i get really obsessed with TV series really, really quickly and have watched lots

That's it! i hope you learnt something about me, hopefully. Thanks for reading if you did!

Sam xx

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