

Saturday 3 August 2013

Weekends, Weekends, Weekends!

Hi everyone!

Just a quick post today.
Usually weekends are unproductive in our house (well, for me anyways). So I think I'll share a cute picture of the baby of the house, Charlie after he'd been washed, brushed, dried and cuddled. 
He absolutely loves chewing on the stick thingy in his mouth after Dad doused it with Peanut Butter. It helped keeping his attention on something when you're trying to brush the knots out of him other wise he just runs away if he isn't satisfied with whatever you're doing.

Surely this weekend will be just as productive as the last one. Hopefully I'll get my room finished after clearing it out, getting a new desk and sorting out all my clothes into my cupboard instead of having Chester draws last weekend. We'll see how it goes, I really, really, really hope I can get it all finished. 

Thanks for reading,

Sam xx

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